Hunting in Newfoundland and Labrador

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29 hunting trips from 9 outfitters starting from $3,800

29 hunts
$3,800 starting from
4 animals
1353mi to the nearest trip

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About hunting in Newfoundland and Labrador

Canada’s easternmost province, Newfoundland and Labrador, comprises the island of Newfoundland and the mainland of Labrador to the northwest, about 156,500 square miles of beautiful coastal, bog, and tundra scenery. The province, particularly the island of Newfoundland, is an extremely popular hunting destination. Moose, black bear, and woodland caribou are the province’s marquee big-game species. Taking all three of these animals constitutes the “Newfoundland Grand Slam.” Waterfowling and upland hunting for willow ptarmigan and grouse is also excellent. There are approximately 120,000 moose on the island of Newfoundland, the most concentrated population in North America. Rifle hunters typically enjoy an 85 percent success rate, and hunters can also choose to hunt with bow or muzzleloader. These moose do not get as large as the moose in western Canada, but they are plenty big, weighing up to 1,200 pounds and with antler spreads that occasionally reach 50 inches. Newfoundland and Labrador is home to thousands of woodland caribou, the only huntable woodland caribou herds in the world. Woodland caribou hunters in the past have experienced a 90 percent success rate. Caribou quotas have been reduced in recent years, so hunting these magnificent animals is a treasured opportunity. Mature bulls can weigh between from 350 to 500 pounds and sport unique racks that are heavier and more compact than other varieties of caribou. The 10,000 or so black bears that live in Newfoundland and Labrador tend to be larger than most because of excellent genetics and low hunting pressure, occasionally tipping the scales at 650 pounds. Two bears are typically allowed per license, and bear hunts are conducted in both spring and fall. Non-resident big-game licenses in Newfoundland and Labrador are only available through a licensed outfitter, and nonresident hunters must possess a valid license and be accompanied by a licensed guide to hunt big game. They must also possess proof of having met their own jurisdiction's hunter education requirements. Small game and waterfowl hunters do not require guides. Hunters must possess a game export permit to take game out of the province. Export permits are available free of charge from all Forestry/Wildlife Offices and licensed outfitters. Hunters who are coming to Canada from the United States should remember that they must declare all game taken when they re-enter the United States and should obtain the necessary forms prior to leaving. Nonresident black bear hunters also require a CITES permit to transport black bear parts outside Canada. For more information about hunting in Newfoundland and Labrador, see

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Fly-in Eastern CDN Moose Hunt 2x1 '25

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Moose Hunt 2025

Moose Hunt 2025

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
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