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Zebra horseback hunting trips 4 hunts
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KB Special Package
0.0 0 reviews
South Africa
Free State, South Africa
Burchells zebraBlack wildebeestBlue wildebeestCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokGemsbuckImpalaMountain reedbuckWarthog
Horseback HuntingBow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHunting From a BlindMountain HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Package Trip
Family Friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 11 days,
1 hunter, 1 guest
Instant Booking
You get instant confirmation when you book this hunt!
2:1 Cape Mountain Hunt
0.0 0 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Burchells zebraCape mountain zebraBaboonBlack wildebeestBlue wildebeestBushpigCape buffaloCape bushbuckCape elandCaracalCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokEastern cape kuduGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeHareImpalaMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableSteenbokWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuck
Horseback HuntingBaitingBow HuntingCallingCrossbow HuntingDriven HuntHigh SeatHunting From a BlindMountain HuntingMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingShotgun HuntingStalkingWalk up With Dogs
Season: 01 Sep, 24 - 31 Dec, 25
Family Friendly
Disabled friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Price from
for 7 days,
1 hunter
Buddy Package
0.0 0 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Burchells zebraBlue wildebeestImpalaWarthog
Horseback HuntingBow HuntingHunting From a BlindManagement HuntRifle HuntingShotgun HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Package Trip
Family Friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 7 days,
2 hunters
1:1 Cape Mountain Hunt
0.0 0 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Burchells zebraCape mountain zebraBaboonBlack wildebeestBlue wildebeestBushpigCape buffaloCape bushbuckCape elandCaracalCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokEastern cape kuduGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeHareImpalaMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableSteenbokWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuck
Horseback HuntingBow HuntingCallingCrossbow HuntingDriven HuntHigh SeatHunting From a BlindMountain HuntingMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingShotgun HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Sep, 24 - 31 Dec, 25
Family Friendly
Disabled friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Price from
for 7 days,
1 hunter