Forest Elephant hunting

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1 hunting trip from 1 outfitter starting from £50,025

1 hunt
£50,025 starting from
1 country
6562mi to the nearest trip

Where to hunt Forest Elephant

Forest Elephants are slightly smaller than Savannah Elephants and found in scattered pockets across the rainforests of Central Africa. Elephants are split into three species, of which two are found on the African continent, namely the African Savanna Elephant and the African Forest Elephant. The less common of the two, the African Forest Elephant may not be hunted in most of its home range. Cameroon is one of the few countries that offers Forest Elephants for hunting.

Price distribution

The shortest hunt available is in the Cameroon. This 10-day package hunt which includes the trophy fee sells for $29,500. However, due to the expense of getting to these hunting territories it is unlikely that this is all a hunter will shoot. Upgraded minimum 16-day safaris allow for a wider choice of animals which includes such rare species as Bongo and Forest Sitatunga. Hunting either of these species with an Elephant will increase the bill to approximately $47,500. Additional animals may be added to the hunt and the region is also known for its many rare Forest Duikers.

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When to hunt Forest Elephant?

Elephant hunting season for Forest Elephants is open from 1 March - 31 July with one Outfitter open until November. Forest hunting conditions are pretty much the same throughout the year, hot, humid and wet. Try to find out from your Outfitter when would be the time that most suits you. In many places it is so dark in the forest you do not know if it is day or night but if you have a choice, try hunt during the periods with the longest daylight, full moon and least rain.


Hunting methods

Forest Elephant hunts are very different to the traditional Savanna Elephant hunts. Most, if not all of the hunt can place in total darkness in the forest unless you get lucky and find a suitable bull to shoot in an open glade. Pygmy’s who have amazing tracking skills will be used as trackers using their wealth of experience tracking in low light conditions and using their other senses of hearing and smell to find the Elephants. Once located you will sneak in amongst the Elephants. Bending down will help you see silhouettes of the Elephants and if they have any ivory. Then you need to make the shot and all hell will break loose in the jungle. Elephants will be running everywhere and you will no doubt be falling over broken trees and branches trying to avoid being stomped on by an angry Elephant.

Why hunt Forest Elephant?

Elephant hunting is probably the toughest hunt you will ever experience in Africa. It’s a test of your endurance, patience and staying power to repeat the same hot, humid and wet experience day after day. However, there is no bigger hunting adrenaline rush than you get after shooting a Forest Elephant, it can even become addictive. It is dangerous, so be warned. Apart from the weather and hunting conditions you will be tested to your limitations. In most cases it is difficult to see the size of the Elephants tusks and whether they are broken or not, so if you are after big ivory this is not for you but if you are looking for an adventurous challenge, this is it.

13 Day Bongo & Forest Elephant Safari

13 Day Bongo & Forest Elephant Safari

10 1 review
Forest elephant, Bates's pygmy antelope, Bay duiker, Black-fronted duiker, Blue duiker...
Trip duration: 15 days
Season: 1 Apr 2025 - 31 Jul 2025
Price from
for 15 days, 1 hunter
Forest Elephant

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