October Caribou '27




$5,425 für 4 Tage, 1 Jäger,
with Tundra Karibu included
US$ 5,425 *
*This is an approximate price in the selected currency. Actual price of the trip is 5,000
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This price includes:
Daily rate for 4 days
1 Jäger
Tundra Karibu
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Über diese Jagd

This is a 4 day Caribou hunt package with 3 full hunting days and 1 trophy Caribou license included to the price. We go back to town the last huntingday in the evening. The hunt is done on foot. So you have to be in a fairly good condition, so you can walk 5 km out, and 5 km back with 30 kg meat/trophy on your back in varied terrain. But the longer you can walk, the better are the chances for big animals. Octoberhunt is a bit colder, can be down to minus 20 celcius, men still long days, and not really cold weather as it is just the start of winter. So its almost like winterhunt.. The hunt is still traditional hunt on foot like in august and september. But often there is a little snow, so we can use small plastic sleds to pull down the animals. Caribou in our hunting area (sub area 5) is a free-range indigenous north american ”Central barren ground caribou”. But even though it's documented by the Greenland Nature Institute, not all hunting organisations see it that way, so SCI does not accept it into the SCI 29 Award. But Grand Slam Club Ovis accepts it into the Super Slam award. So please check it with you organisation if you are going for a award. You must bring your own sleepingbag, there will be minimum +5 celcius in the camp at night This hunt is more exclusive hunt with just 2 hunters, but you can book up to 4 hunters if you come as a group. You can add musk-ox, but please notice you have to carry down the trophy yourself, shouldermount from 35 kg, full body 55 kg. Availability 2027: 1/10 to 4/10 - 2 openings 8/10 to 11/10 - sold out 15/10 to 18/10 - 2 openings 22/10 to 25/10 - 2 openings 28/10 to 31/10 - 2 openings

Geführt (schwer Jagdreise)
Büchsenjagd Pirschjagd Bogenjagd

Jagdsaison: 1 Okt. 2027 - 31 Okt. 2027

Success rate

Our succesrate for caribou in october er 100%, and we usually have real good hunts where we see more big bulls each day. Our succesrate for musk-ox in the area is over 95%, but the last couple of years we had a little fewer musk-ox in the area, especially late october, so for future hunts we still promish 95% succes, but only 75% chance of a big bull.

Wo werde ich jagen


All of this area is in the World Heritage Site. Concession area 11 is about 22.500 acres, and here we hunt in July, the first two hunts in August, and during all of October. The area is bounded by another concession area to the west, and a free hunting zone to the east. Transportation is about 2 hours to camp by car and a boat. The easier access to the area results in many local hunters being there at the end of August and September, but at this time we are hunting in our other concession area. There might be local meathunters in the area, but no other outfitters.

Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn

Reviergröße: 22 500 acres

Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch


Ebene: 30%

Hügelland: 40%

Gebirge: 30%


Grasland/Buschland: 100%

Wo werde ich wohnen


Our hunting camp is next to a big lake in the south side of the concession area, right where the best hunting in the area starts. The two first hunts in august in there is only tentcamp. The octoberhunts is with big heated kitchentent, and heated mobile cabin for sleeping.. There will be 1 guide per 2 hunters, and there will be some work with cutting meat, salting and drying meat, skinning and preservation of trophies, and different camp work. So it's necessary that everybody helps out so that the guides have time enough for everything. We bring normal food, breakfast products, bread and cold meats, and we eat the meat from the animals we shoot, with potatoes and rice etc. After the hunt you stay at Kangerlussuaq Youth Hostel as included in the price.

Einrichtungen: Elektrizität

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation



When you fly here, then you travel to Copenhagen airport in Denmark, from there you fly with Air Greenland to Kangerlussuaq in Greenland, where we pick you up at the airport. It is possible to fly over Keflavik in Iceland to Nuuk and then Kangerlussuaq. But it can give some problems with delays and luggage, and the price is almost the same. So we do not recommend that route. In 2025 a new airport opens i Nuuk and that will be the main airport, and with better flight conditions than now. So by then it should be easier to get here from north america. US-Iceland-Nuuk-Kangerlussuaq. Even thow is possible to fly direct over Copenhagen, its more safe to stay overnight in Copenhagen, and if you come from far away like the US, then 2 nights is better. Its up to you to get here on the correct date. You must bring your home country hunting permit and/or weapons permit.This is required by the hunting adminstration. When bringing your own hunting rifle you also need to bring the weapon papers for that rifle to show at check on with the Airlines. Check in with hunting rifle at AirGreenland takes about 30 min extra because of paperworks, and the weapon has to be handed over at a special counter. But this is not complicated to bring a hunting rifle.

Nächstgelegener Flughafen: Kangerlussuaq Airport

Entfernung vom Flughafen: 20 km

Flughafentransfer: Ja

Bahnhofstransfer: Nein

Weitere Informationen

Waffen-Verleih: Ja

Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein

Mehr über diese Jagd... (Jagdgebiet, Unterkunft, etc.) Details ausblenden


Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Jagdlizenz
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke


  • Deposits are non-refundable but may be transferred to another party for the same year and dates only. If your outfitter cancels your hunt for any reason all funds paid will be refunded.
  • All hunters must sign our Assumption of risk agreement.

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Versicherung
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Trinkgelder
  • Extra Musk-ox - 3.000 euro
  • Caribou add-on - 2.500 euro
  • Additional price 1:1 guide - 1.800 euro (depending on availability)
  • Non hunter rate - 1.800 euro
  • 1 extra huntingday - 2.200 euro (pr 2 hunters)
  • Rifle rent (Tikka) - 150 euro
  • Rifle rent (Blaser) - 220 euro
  • Shipping of frozen trophy - 200 euro (1 pcs, to DK excl. veterinarian control and further transport). All trophies are sent to a taxidermist in Denmark, he can then either do the full work and send the trophy to you, or he can send it as dip&pack to your own taxidermist.


  • In case of wounding the hunter has to pay the full fee. (The guide will take shot after the hunter so most of the trophies will be found)

Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Jagdlizenz
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Versicherung
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Trinkgelder
  • Extra Musk-ox - 3.000 euro
  • Caribou add-on - 2.500 euro
  • Additional price 1:1 guide - 1.800 euro (depending on availability)
  • Non hunter rate - 1.800 euro
  • 1 extra huntingday - 2.200 euro (pr 2 hunters)
  • Rifle rent (Tikka) - 150 euro
  • Rifle rent (Blaser) - 220 euro
  • Shipping of frozen trophy - 200 euro (1 pcs, to DK excl. veterinarian control and further transport). All trophies are sent to a taxidermist in Denmark, he can then either do the full work and send the trophy to you, or he can send it as dip&pack to your own taxidermist.


  • Deposits are non-refundable but may be transferred to another party for the same year and dates only. If your outfitter cancels your hunt for any reason all funds paid will be refunded.
  • All hunters must sign our Assumption of risk agreement.


  • In case of wounding the hunter has to pay the full fee. (The guide will take shot after the hunter so most of the trophies will be found)



50% basierend auf die Jagdreise
Anzahlung: 14 Tage nach der Buchung
Payment options provided by outfitter:
Bank transfer


Paid 14 days vor Jagdantritt
Payment options provided by outfitter:
Bank transfer

Payment notes

We accept final payments in cash, if they are up to 2000 euro per hunter. Larger payments need to be wired beforehand or paid by Visa or Mastercard when you are here.

Bewertungen (39)

Kevin USA
9.0 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
23 März 2023

Just do it!

9.0 of 10

This was a very unique and good experience. If you want a Muskox, I doubt you will find a better opportunity with such a high success rate at such a good price. Four of us came and all collected a nice bull within the first two days. There were some very old bulls and an incredible number die here of old age. In two days of actively hunting them, we saw about 30 bulls. That said, the habitat quality is apparently not as good as some other areas so a true giant will be hard to find, but if a good representative of old age makes you happy, you can’t go wrong with Erik. All of our bulls were SCI bronze level trophies. After getting our bulls, we ice fished for cod and caught about 60, so they are plentiful and fun to catch on hand lines. I also collected fox, hare, and ptarmigan and found a pile of caribou sheds. The small game hunting was actually more physically demanding than the muskox because the muskox are lower on the hills, where other game takes some uphill climbing. The cabin was small and somewhat crowded with 4 hunters and 4 camp staff and guides, but not uncomfortable. It was plenty warm in below zero temps. The food is very basic, but plentiful. The scenery is fascinating, the camp comfortable, and game plentiful. Erik is very well organized and has good, reliable equipment. The camp staff did a good job, and our guide (Martin) was excellent. Even when back in town, Erik kept you comfortable and fed at no extra cost. You just can’t beat it for overall success and value. I highly recommend this hunt as a great adventure at a price most anyone can make happen if you have your heart set on a Muskox!

Getting to Greenland takes some extra effort and expense. The only way there from the U.S. is through Copenhagen, then on to Greenland. So it adds extra days and extra air fair. You should also add an extra day on each end in case of airline delays. BUT Copenhagen is a beautiful, friendly, extremely clean and interesting city with great food and great pubs, so take the opportunity to see it! It is also pretty expensive to get your trophy back due to shipping costs, permits, etc.

Greg Canada
10.0 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
13 März 2025

2025 spring Muskox

10.0 of 10

Our group got 4 great bulls the first morning. Guides worked hard keeping us busy fishing and hunting small game.

Long atv ride to the hunting area but the new camp being built will solve this.

Bobby USA
9.0 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
8 März 2025

Hard working outfitter

9.0 of 10

The constant effort to get you on game.

The outfitter was awesome, the airline getting me there really lacks.

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October 2027